Purpose & Overview
The Celo Regional Council is the cohesive layer uniting every local Org, ensuring consistent governance, resource sharing, and alignment with the Celo Foundation. Each participating Org elects 1 representative.
Council Structure
- 1 Representative per Org: Each regional community designates a trusted individual to safeguard its interests and make key decisions.
- Multisig Representation: A Council multisig (details to be finalized) may execute important cross-Orgs or ecosystem-level actions, as well to receive and distribute funds.
- Monthly Community Calls: Virtual meetings open to all Celo community but led by the Council reps, providing transparency, synergy, and real-time decision-making. All calls are recorded and made publicly available.
Representative Responsibilities
- Stake Reputation: Council members publicly uphold their region’s credibility and must maintain the highest standards of transparency.
- Maintain Accountability: Clear financial records, a traceable decision-making process, and documented votes or proposals.
- Strategic Alignment: Regular communication with the Celo Foundation and ecosystem stakeholders (e.g., Opera, Mento, Valora, Prezenti, cLabs, etc) to ensure local initiatives complement global objectives.
- Onboarding & Governance: Collaborate on welcoming new regions, updating governance processes, and ensuring inclusive participation.
- Conflict Disclosure: Immediately reveal any personal or professional interests that could bias Council decisions.
Code of Conduct
- No Hidden Agendas: All discussions are publicly documented, ensuring that no decisions occur behind closed doors.
- Declare Conflicts of Interest: Representatives must proactively disclose any overlapping roles or obligations.
- Revocation Clause: While Orgs retain membership, their representative can be replaced by their local Orgs and other Council Members if they violate transparency rules, become inactive, or fail to meet performance expectations.
Membership Requirements
For a Regional Org to hold a Council seat, it must demonstrate:
- Proven Track Record: A history of successful ecosystem initiatives, community building, or adoption efforts.