Purpose & Overview

The Celo Regional Council is the cohesive layer uniting every local Org, ensuring consistent governance, resource sharing, and alignment with the Celo Foundation. Each participating Org elects 1 representative.

Council Structure

Representative Responsibilities

  1. Stake Reputation: Council members publicly uphold their region’s credibility and must maintain the highest standards of transparency.
  2. Maintain Accountability: Clear financial records, a traceable decision-making process, and documented votes or proposals.
  3. Strategic Alignment: Regular communication with the Celo Foundation and ecosystem stakeholders (e.g., Opera, Mento, Valora, Prezenti, cLabs, etc) to ensure local initiatives complement global objectives.
  4. Onboarding & Governance: Collaborate on welcoming new regions, updating governance processes, and ensuring inclusive participation.
  5. Conflict Disclosure: Immediately reveal any personal or professional interests that could bias Council decisions.

Code of Conduct

Membership Requirements

For a Regional Org to hold a Council seat, it must demonstrate:

  1. Proven Track Record: A history of successful ecosystem initiatives, community building, or adoption efforts.